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Funky Cells ToolBox installation

9 years 8 months ago #3 by MartinLarsen
To download FunkyCells ToolBox please register as a user to our webpage and download the software for the appropriate version of Microsoft Office under Products/Downloads/ (www.funkycells.com/main/index.php/produc...funky-cells-tool-box).

Run the downloaded setup file and follow the installation instructions. You can now find the software as an independent menu in Microsoft Excel.

When you run the FunkyCells ToolBox for the first time you will be asked to register the software. To register you need a serial number which is obtained by registering specifically for the software product online (www.funkycells.com/main/index.php/produc...ool-box-registration).

You will receive your serial number by e-mail. When you have typed the serial number the software sends an activation code to your e-mail, which serves to validate that you are indeed the right user by checking that you have access to your personal e-mail.

ATTENTION! If you copy paste the activation code please pay special attention to the addition of unintentional spaces, which will hamper the software activation.

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